Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Before you watch, read the rules and do the tests:

Модальные глаголы – modal verbs (RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH)
Unit 25 – can and could Тест
Unit 26 – may and might Тест
Unit 27 – have to; must Тест
Unit 28 – should
Unit 29 – have to … Тест

Modal Forms (ENGLISH)

Answer the questions about the video:
  1. What game did Holly want to play with Ben? What went wrong?
  2. What did she turn Ben into first, second and last?
  3. Where did the girls find Ben the Frog?
  4. Who was found in the nest?
  5. Was Nanny Plum happy with Holly and Violet’s magicking?
  6. Who needs more spell practice?
  7. Who wanted to have a go at making spells?

Choose the correct modal verb and change its form if necessary:
can, should, let, must, maybe, need, be allowed, have to, have got to
  1. ________ Ben come out to play?
  2. ________  play Princes and Princesses.
  3. I ________  be the Princess, because I am a princess.
  4. And I ________  be the prince.
  5. ________  we just pretend I am a prince?
  6. Ben, if you ________  hear me, croak.
  7. ________  you help me turn Ben into himself again?
  8. Come on, ________  go and find him.
  9. Holly, look! - Yes! That ________  be Ben.
  10. You really ________  have waited like I told you.
  11. Oh, ________  this frog isn’t Ben. - ________  that one looks a bit like Ben.
  12. We don’t ________  Nanny Plum, I know lots of spells.
  13. You see, I told you I ________  do it.
  14. That nest is very high. And We are not ________  to fly high.
  15. Now we ________  just ________  to turn Ben into Ben again.
  16. Now he’ll hop off somewhere and we will ________  to find him all over again
  17. Sorry Nanny but Ben kept wandering off and we ________  to keep finding him.
  18. Well it just shows that you both ________  a lot more spell practice.
  19. Fairies of your age really ________  be able to get a simple spell right.
  20. When you turned Ben into a frog, you ________ not have turned him into a bird.
  21. No at the start you ________ have made him Ben again.
  22. You see girls? It’s easy - anyone ________ do it.
  23. Ok, ________ I have another go?
  24. No, if anyone ________ do it, I want a go.
  25. Mmm, ________you just need a teeny tiny bit of magical help.
  26. But have you forgotten anything? You ________ to turn them back into girls again.

Learn the words HERE

Learn the text by heart after you translate it:
When Holly turned Ben into a frog she should have gone to ask Nanny Plum to help her. But she must have wanted to have a go at making spells herself. Her friend Violet thought she could help her turn Ben back into Ben again but she was not successful either. The girls might have done a better job if they had practiced their magic more often. Nanny Plum thinks that fairies of their age really should be able to get a simple spell right.

Translate from Russian into English:
  1. Бен, если ты меня слышишь, квакни.
  2. Можешь ли ты помочь мне превратить Бена обратно в Бена?
  3. Холли, смотри! Должно быть это Бен.
  4. Может быть эта лягушка не Бен?
  5. Феям не следовало превращать Бена в лягушку.
  6. Феям не разрешается летать так высоко.
  7. Феям нужно больше практиковаться в магии.

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